TAKE ACTION: Urge Congress to Support Access to Housing and the “Housing First” Model

September 23, 2022

Homelessness is a crisis in many communities – one that demands urgent action. To end homelessness once and for all, federal, state, and local governments must invest in proven solutions at the scale necessary to address the problem. The “Housing First” model is the most effective, evidence-based approach for ending homelessness for most individuals and families. Housing First has had a long history of bipartisan support, improves quality of life while reducing taxpayer spending on public services, including emergency healthcare and policing, and is adaptable to address the unique needs in local communities.

Now is an important time to make your voice heard to your elected leaders to ensure they are doing everything in their power to support access to safe, stable, and affordable housing for all and uplifting the “Housing First” model as a key approach toward ending homelessness. National, state, and local policies can – together – correct long-standing racial inequities and economic injustices by ensuring quality housing.

Click “Send Email” to Contact Your 2 Senators and 1 Representative
On the right-hand side, you can send an email that connects you to your Members of Congress. 

Sample Script: “My name is [insert first and last name] and I’m your constituent from [city/town]. I am contacting you in support of the “Housing First” model toward ending homelessness in the United States. The “Housing First” model is the most effective, evidence-based approach for ending homelessness for most individuals and families. Housing First has had a long history of bipartisan support, improves quality of life while reducing taxpayer spending on public services, including emergency healthcare and policing, and is adaptable to address the unique needs in local communities. In [state], we recognize that “Housing First” practices uphold the dignity and respect of those of us in the greatest need. I urge you to commit to decreasing homelessness by proactively supporting “Housing First” as a proven strategy to address homelessness and housing insecurity in our communities and oppose efforts to undermine its use.” 

Amplify on Social Media: Please amplify this message on social media using these sample posts and these accompanying graphics:

  • Homelessness is a crisis across many communities that demands urgent action. #HousingFirst is the most effective approach that upholds the dignity and respect of those of us in the greatest need. 
  • To end homelessness once and for all, federal, state, and local governments must invest in proven solutions. #HousingFirst is the most responsible and accountable way to pursue this solution.
  • It’s time for Congress to commit to decreasing homelessness, particularly veteran homelessness, in our communities. It’s time for Congress to support #HousingFirst. 

Additional Resources: 

Thank you for taking action, and please share this alert with your networks!